
유승규 프로필 사진
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    Utah State University 공학박사

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    일강원(G동) 507호

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- (학사) 서울시립대학교, 건축·도시·조경학부 교통공학 전공 (2004)

- (석사) 서울시립대학교, 교통공학과 (2006)

- (박사) Utah State University, Transportation Engineering (2015)

교육 및 연구경력

- 아주대학교 박사후 연구원 (2015 ~ 2019)

- 한국과학기술정보연구원 박사후연구원 (2019 ~ 2022) 

- 대전세종연구원 연구위원 (2022 ~ 2024) 

- 인제대학교 스마트물류 학과 조교수 (2024 ~ 현재)

연구 관심 분야

- 교통물류 계획 (Transportation & Logistics Planning)

- 교통물류 수요추정 (Transportation & Logistics Demand Forecast)

- 화물교통 (Freight Transportation)

- 교통물류 빅데이터 분석(Transportation & Logistics Big Data Analysis)

-도시물류 (City Logistics)

-스마트 모빌리티 (Smart Mobility)

저서 및 주요 논문

[1] Gu, Y., Ryu, S., Xu, Y., Chen, A., Chan, H. Y., & Xu, X. (2024). A random- key genetic algorithm- based method for transportation network vulnerability envelope analysis under simultaneous multi- link disruptions. Expert Systems with Applications, 123401.

[2] Li, G., Chen, A., Ryu, S., Kitthamkesorn, S., & Xu, X. (2024). Modeling elasticity, similarity, stochasticity, and congestion in a network equilibrium framework using a paired combinatorial weibit choice model. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 179, 102870.

[3] Kitthamkesorn, S., Chen, A., Ryu, S., & Opasanon, S. (2024). Maximum capture problem based on paired combinatorial weibit model to determine park- and- ride facility locations. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 179, 102855.

[4] Ryu, S., & Kim, M. (2022). Solving a Multi- Class Traffic Assignment Model with Mixed Modes. Applied Sciences, 12(7), 3678.

[5] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Su, J., Liu, X., & Yu, J. (2021). Considering space syntax in bicycle traffic assignment with one or more user classes. Sustainability, 13(19), 11078.

[6] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Su, J., & Choi, K. (2021). A multi- class, multi- criteria bicycle traffic assignment model. International journal of sustainable transportation, 15(7), 524- 540.

[7] Ryu, S., Chen, A., & Kitthamkesorn, S. (2021). A Two- Phase Gradient Projection Algorithm for Solving the Combined Modal Split and Traffic Assignment Problem with Nested Logit Function. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021, 1- 18.

[1] Ryu, S. (2021). Mode Choice Change under Environmental Constraints in the Combined Modal Split and Traffic Assignment Model. Sustainability, 13(7), 3780.

[8] Wang, G., Qi, H., Xu, H., & Ryu, S. (2020). A mixed behaviour equilibrium model with mode choice and its application to the endogenous demand of automated vehicles. Journal of Management Science and Engineering, 5(4), 227- 248.

[9] Wang, G., Chen, A., Kitthamkesorn, S., Ryu, S., Qi, H., Song, Z., Song, J. (2020). A multi- modal network equilibrium model with captive mode choice and path size logit route choice. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 136, 293- 317.

[10] Ryu, S. (2020). A Bicycle Origin–Destination Matrix Estimation Based on a Two- Stage Procedure. Sustainability, 12(7), 2951.

[11] Ryu, S., Su, J., Chen, A., Choi, K. (2019). Estimating Bicycle Demand of a Small Community. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 23(6), 2690- 2701.

[12] RYU, S., Chen, A., WANG, G., CHOI, K. (2018). Solving the Combined Modal Split and Traffic Assignment Model with Captive Mode Users and Overlapping Routes. Asian Transport Studies, 5(2), 224-242.

Routes. Asian Transport Studies, 5(2), 224- 242.

[13] Xu, X., Chen, A., Jansuwan, S., Yang, C., Ryu, S. (2018). Transportation network redundancy: Complementary measures and computational methods. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 114, 68- 85.

[14] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Su, J., Choi, K. (2018). Two- stage bicycle traffic assignment model. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 144(2), 04017079.

[15] Jansuwan, J., Ryu, S., Chen, A. (2017) A two- stage approach for estimating a statewide truck trip table. Transportation Research Part A 102, 274- 292. 

[16] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Choi, K. (2017) Solving the combined modal split and traffic assignment problem with two types of transit impedance function. European Journal of Operational Research 257(3), 870- 880. 

[17] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Choi, K. (2016) Solving the stochastic multi- class traffic assignment problem with asymmetric interactions, route overlapping and vehicle restrictions. Journal of Advanced transportation 50(2), 255- 270. 

[18] Kitthamkesorn, S., Chen, A., Xu, X., Ryu, S. (2016) Modeling mode and route similarities in network equilibrium problem with go- green modes. Networks and Spatial Economics 6(1), 33- 60. 

[19] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Zhang, H. M., Recker, W. (2014) Path flow estimator for planning applications of small communities. Transportation Research Part A 69, 212- 242. 

[20] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Xu, X., Choi, K.  (2014) Modeling demand elasticity and route overlapping in stochastic user equilibrium model. Transportation Research Record 2429, 8- 19. 

[21] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Choi, K. (2014) A modified gradient projection algorithm for solving the elastic demand traffic equilibrium problem. Computers and Operations Research 41, 61 - 71. 

[22] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Xu, X., Choi, K. (2014) A dual approach for solving the combined distribution and assignment problem with link capacity constraints. Networks and Spatial Economics 14(2), 245- 270. 

[23] Chen, A., Ryu, S., Xu, X., Choi, K. (2014) Computation and application of the paired combinatorial logit stochastic traffic equilibrium problem. Computers and Operations Research 43, 68- 77. 

[24] Yao, J., Chen, A., Ryu, S., Shi, S. (2014) A general unconstrained optimization formulation for the combined distribution and assignment problem. Transportation Research Part B 59, 137- 160. 

[25] Chen, A., Xu, X., Ryu, S., Zhou, Z. (2013) A self- adaptive Armijo stepsize strategy with application to traffic assignment models and algorithms. Transportmetrica A: Transport Science 9(8), 695- 712. 

[26] Ryu, S., Chen, A., Kim, Y. (2013) Investigating travel time reliability measures in toll design problem. Asian Transport Studies 2(3), 253- 268. 

[27] Jansuwan, S., Chen, A., Ryu, S. (2012) An alternative planning tool for a small metropolitan planning organization in Utah. Transportation Research Record 2307, 68- 79. 

[28] Chen, A., Pravinvongvuth, S., Xu, X., Ryu, S., Chootinan, P.  (2012) Examining the scaling effect and overlapping problem in logit- based stochastic user equilibrium models. Transportation Research Part A 46(8), 1343- 1358.

[29] Chen, A., Chootinan, P., Ryu, S., Wong, S.C. (2012) Quality measures for origin- destination estimation from traffic counts: A review and a generalized demand scale measure. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 138(11), 1340- 1349. 

[30] Chen, A., Chootinan, P., Ryu, S., Lee, M., Recker, W. (2012) An intersection turning movement estimation procedure based on path flow estimator. Journal of Advanced transportation 46(2), 161- 176. 

[31] Chen, A., Zhou, Z., Chootinan, P., Ryu, S., Yang, C., Wong, S.C. (2011) Transport network design problem under uncertainty: A review and new developments. Transport Reviews 31(6), 743- 768. 

[32] Chen, A., Zhou, Z., Ryu, S. (2011) Modeling physical and environmental side constraints in traffic equilibrium problem. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 5(3), 172- 197. 

[33] Chen, A., Ryu, S., Chootinan, P. (2010) L∞- norm path flow estimator for handling traffic count inconsistencies: Formulation and solution algorithm. ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 136(6), 565- 575. 

[34] Lee, S., Ryu, S., Lee, S. (2010) Bus rapid transit operation analysis using the Downs- Thomson paradox. Journal of Advanced Transportation 44(3), 205- 215. 

[35] Lee, S., Ryu, S., (2007) Multiple path- finding models using Kalman filtering and space syntax techniques. Transportation Research Record 2029, 87- 95.

[36] 류승규, 최윤혁, 정하림, 권봉경, & 윤일수. (2020). V2X 기반 군집주행을 위한 적정 화물차 및 품목 선정 기초연구. 한국 ITS 학회 논문지, 19(2), 122- 134.

[37] 류승규. (2021). 소프트 링크 용량 제약 조건을 결합한 이용자 균형 통행배정 알고리즘 개발. 한국도로학회논문집, 23(5), 81- 88.

[38] 박성호, 박상민, 홍윤석, 류승규, & 윤일수. (2018). 자율주행자동차의 안전한 차량 추종을 위한 RSS 모형의 안전거리 비교. 한국 ITS 학회 논문지, 17(6), 84- 95.

그 외


- 이동체에서 드론을 이용하는 방법 및 장치 (출원번호: 10- 2019- 0075262)

- 버스 운행시간 예측 장치 및 그 동작방법 (등록 번호: 10- 2397198) 

- 시내버스 노선 분석 장치 및 방법 (등록 번호: 10- 2586430 )